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Ready for winter! Alberta, B.C. West Path Delivery Program complete

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West Path Delivery In Service

This winter, more homes can be heated, 在该项目完成后,公共建筑和工业将获得更多的电力 West Path Delivery 2023 Projects. From mid-October to November 1, 70 km of new pipeline went into service; 38 km for NGTL in southern Alberta and 32 km on the Foothills System in southeastern B.C.,所有的部分安全完成,或提前,计划.


View NGTL and Foothills systems on our Operations Map.


  • 阿尔伯塔省和B省的GDP合计约为3.5亿美元.C. during project construction
  • More than 1,700 people employed during peak construction
  • Approximately $7.3 million through employment of Indigenous peoples and $105.在施工期间与土著附属企业签订了800万美元的合同
  • Over $555 thousand in local community investment
  • 预计每年将有787万美元的财产税用于支持公共服务

Protecting the environment

能源项目的规划和发展包括环境方面的考虑. As part of the West Path Program’s Environmental Protection Plans, 收集了土壤和地形等环境要素的数据, wildlife and wildlife habitat, vegetation and wetlands, fish and fish habitat, water and water quality, heritage resources, air emissions and acoustic environment.


What's next?

Later this year, the Groundbirch Mainline Loop – Saturn section 预计将完成并投入使用,而能源转型项目,包括 Alberta Carbon Grid, continue development.